november 5.

Friday, November 5, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 26: Family.
This is the most current picture I have with my entire family. We get together as often as we can, but we only take pictures together at Christmas. Haha:)
30 Days of Truth: Day 15: Someone you can't live without, because you've tried.
This boy:

A few years back, we tried the whole not-being-friends thing.. and it didn't work at all. We didn't talk/hang out for a month. We made it one month. After that, our friendship just got better. We got over our "differences" and continued our awesome friendship. And since we are both bloggers at heart, we had to blog apologies, too.. haha Read his & mine.

Oh - and - by the way...
Happy Guy Fawkes Day.
I was reading about this "holiday" the other day, and it said that Guy Fawkes Day in the UK is not what it used to be, and Halloween is slowly replacing it. Let me just say.. Halloween is not nearly as cool as celebrating the dude that tried to blow up parliament but failed. For real.
xoxo Hay

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