Instagram Life.

Monday, June 25, 2012

1. My first Arm Party. I don't wear bracelets, watches, etc. too often... I just feel like I don't pull off that "look," but I really liked all of these together, so who knows, maybe I'll start wearing them more often? 2. Truman! This is The Midwest Indies debut album! Like I mentioned a few days ago, it's not available for purchase juuust yet, but you can stream it on BandCamp for the time being. 3. I baked cupcakes Friday night for the kiddos. They were so cute, staring at the oven, and Jack kept saying, "Mmm! Yummy!" 4. I treated myself to the latest issue of 417 Bride and a grapefruit Izze. It was a relaxing night! 5. Blake and I took a little Sunday drive out to Marshfield (my hometown) yesterday to take a little look at a small church that we were considering for our ceremony. Too bad it was a bit too small for us! And Blake thought it was a little creepy. Oh well! 6. Blake and I went on an all day date to Branson (Vegas of Missouri!) for our 1.5 year anniversary! We spent the day at Silver Dollar City and then drove down the strip looking at all the silly touristy things (like this and this one is our favorite) we swear we will do someday.

So this is life as of lately. We're being kept busy with work schedules and school stuff, but it's been a fun month so far. And next month brings my 21st birthday! I'm thinking of setting some goals for my 21st year. Maybe getting married and pulling off the wedding of my dreams is a big enough goal for right now. ;)

xo Haley


  1. hey pretty girl!
    so happy to see/hear the wedding is coming along.
    we must continue with our letters soon (:

    1. Yes, we must! I enjoy letters too much! :)


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