As you might've noticed.. things have been changing here on the old blog. I got really bored with the way things were, so I switched a few things up, then changed some more, then changed it back, then changed some more. I just can't decide on what I want (worst feeling ever).
So excuse the mess for now, while I keep trying to figure out what I want to do with my little corner of the internet. This might take a few days. Or so. :)
In the mean time - things that have been going on:
*I worked 38 hours in the past couple of days.... I feel like I've been here non.stop.
*I leave for St. Louis on Friday. Blake is going to see Radiohead, I'm going to meet baby Amelia.
*I visited the dentist yesterday (perfect teeth, no cavities), but I walked out with an appointment to get my wisdom teeth out. Next Wednesday. Yikes.
*Blake and I have been on a "break." Not like, a break up break, but a "re-evaluate what we're doing and fix the stuff that's not right" kind of break. It's been for the best, and has made us a lot better as individuals and as a couple.
*I'm getting frustrated over everyone that is like, "research before supporting the anti-Kony movement." SERIOUSLY? Even if Invisible Children fudged a few statistics and facts for the sake of their video, if they can save one child's life, it was done for a good cause. People are ridiculous.
*I'm really, really tired. I need like 10 hours of sleep each night, and I got a little over 5. No bueno.
*One of my teachers (of an online class) got canned! He never gave us any assignments, but when we actually did stuff for class, he never gave any feedback/graded anything. Hahaha. Sucker. I'm glad we have a new teacher now!
Have a wonderful Wednesday. Don't let the crazy wind blow you away if you're in the Midwest. :)
xo Haley